IQ Test Labs

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Brainteasers > Logic > Induction

Inductive reasoning shapes
  • Locate similarities and differences between sequences of shapes.
  • Complete the sequence and find the missing shape!
  • Questions of this type are also referred to as abstract reasoning or diagrammatic reasoning questions.
  • Draw relationships among shapes in a series.
  • Identify rules according to position, rotation, and movement.

1. Find the missing shape

Find the missing shape

Answer: A

The second shape alternates without any modification.

2. Find the missing shape

Find the missing shape

Answer: B

The shape is enclosed in a rectangle, similar to the corresponding shape in the top row.

3. Find the missing shape

Find the missing shape

Answer: A

The blue dot moves down, the green dot moves to the right, and the white dot moves up.

4. Find the missing shape

Find the missing shape

Answer: C

The green dot moves back and forth, left and right, in both the top row and the bottom rows.

5. Find the missing shape

Find the missing shape

Answer: B

There is an imaginary four-cell block with a cross in all cells. The 'Y' shape completes the lines of the block.

Find the missing shape