IQ Test Labs

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Solve equations by arranging numbers and arithmetic operations.

Example 1

Arrange the numbers and arithmetic operations to reach a total of 28.

*   4   8   4   -

= 28

Solution: (4*8) - 4 = 28

Example 2

Arrange the numbers and arithmetic operations to reach a total of 8.

15   5   /   5

= 8

Solution: (15/5) + 5 = 8

1. Add the digits 16, and 17, in order to reach a total of 100.

16 + 16 + 17 + 17 + 17 + 17 = 100

2. Arrange the numbers and arithmetic operations to reach a total of four.

-   6   2   8   +

= 4

8 - 6 + 2 = 4

3. Find the correct arithmetic operations and solve the equation.

3   3   3 = 6

(3*3) - 3 = 6

4. Find the correct arithmetic operations and solve the equation.

7   7   7 = 6

7 - (7/7) = 6

5. The following equation lists all digits 1-9 in increasing order and equals 100.

12+3-4+5+67+8+9 = 100

Using only addition and subtration make similar equations.

These are only a few answers out of many possible solutions.


123+45-67+8-9 = 100
