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10/10 Calendar

What is the maximum amount of Sundays in a year?

365/7 is not exactly 52.

It is possible to have two Sundays in eight days.

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Years have 52 weeks and 1 or 2 days (365 or 366 days in total). If the year starts in a Sunday and has 365 days, it will end in a Sunday. Thus, it will have 53 Sundays. If the year starts in a Sunday or Saturday and has 366 days, it will also have 53 Sundays.





Basically any result over 52 means that there is a little over 52 weeks in a year.

To be more exact the extra time is:

.1428 * 7 = 0.996 of a day.

This results in 52 weeks and a few hours short of a day, which is still a day.

That extra day results in the extra Sunday. This can can seen by taking just 8 days and extrapolating. If the first day is Sunday, then the eight day will also be a Sunday.

That extra day could be any day of the week, depending on which day of the week the year starts on.

Years that started with Sunday and included 53 Sundays are 2012, and 2017. The next ones will be on 2023, and 2040. (includes both common years and leap years.)

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