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4/10 Marbles

Jane has two red marbles, four blue marbles, and five green marbles in her pocket. What is the maximum number of marbles Jane must take out of her pocket before she has all the colors?

If Jane had just two red marbles and one blue marble, she would have to take

all marbles out of her pocket to make sure she has at least one of each color.

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Comments (3)


Makes sense.

With probability here think of the worst case scenario, not best.

To start let's say you draw 5, worst case all of them happen to be Green.

You draw additional 4 and they happen to be all blue.

Still haven't drawn any red. But guaranteed the next one will be a Red. Leaving one more Red, but now you've drawn all colors.

Answer, 10. The maximum number you'd have to draw to guarantee all colors are chosen.


Good questions!


Must be 10. Worst case scenario the 2 red marbles are the last ones left.

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