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7/10 Shapes

Complete the matrix

There is inner shape rotation, from row to row.

There is an outer shape pattern from row to row. Row 1 has two outer shaped 'stars', whereas row 2 has only one.

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Coco butter thinkingsays...

The outer patterns go:

-1st row 2 stars

-2nd row 1 star

-3rd row must have 2 stars so we know there’s a missing star outer shape.

Then there’s also 3 different inner shapes, so once you eliminate the answers that have outer star shapes, you’re left with 3 non-stars. Then you pick the non-star outer shape with the missing inner shape in the 3rd row.


Option B

There are 2 rules?

Rule 1: Inner shape rotation.

All inner shapes rotate 45° per previous row.

Rule 2: Alternating ‘star’ shapes.

Row 1 has two ‘star’ outer shapes,

Row 2 has one ‘star’ outer shape,

Row 3 has two ‘star’ outer shapes total.

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