Last seen: 2 years ago
Admin, IQ Test Labs
The scent of coffee has been show to boost performance on the analytical part of...
Visual perceptual skills include the ability to identify and categorize what is...
Piano lessons teach kindergartners how to distinguish pitch and thus better discriminate...
High emotional intelligence individuals are better able to work in teams and problem...
Published results link subjective age to estimated brain ageing.
Too much sitting is linked to thinning of a brain area (medial temporal lobe), where...
Day time naps help us process information that we are not consciously aware of and...
Radical theory suggests unseen hand of genetics is behind a higher IQ and longevity.
A review of how technology is enhancing our intellectual abilities.
What is the possibility that intelligent life forms with technological capabilities...
Conversica CEO Alex Terry is interviewed by the associated press and speaks about...