Tag: WordDiscrimination
How music lessons can improve language skills
Piano lessons teach kindergartners how to distinguish pitch and thus better discriminate...
vneo Jul 2, 2018 0 2144
Piano lessons teach kindergartners how to distinguish pitch and thus better discriminate...
vneo Oct 22, 2020 0 48
vneo Sep 1, 2020 0 40
vneo Oct 26, 2019 0 37
vneo Apr 29, 2017 0 33
vneo Jul 15, 2019 0 32
vneo Aug 13, 2020 0 2917
Google's machine learning app is capable of identifying people and places even when...
vneo Jun 10, 2019 0 2178
There are changes in neural brain structure while practicing and mastering a new...
vneo Jul 11, 2017 0 2977
Radical theory suggests unseen hand of genetics is behind a higher IQ and longevity.
vneo Sep 9, 2019 0 2894
Physical fitness is associated with better cognitive abilities and healthier white...
vneo Aug 4, 2020 0 7614
Continual learning poses a challenge to academics researching neural networks.
vneo May 10, 2018 0 2289
Day time naps help us process information that we are not consciously aware of and...
vneo Oct 25, 2018 0 2511
Study finds social capital has 3-5 times the impact of funding.
vneo Aug 13, 2018 0 2843
Increased child-adult exposure to conversation leads to increased white matter connectivity...
vneo Oct 26, 2019 0 3472
'Unfilled pauses' in speech can make the speaker appear more intelligent.
vneo Apr 14, 2017 0 3447
Conversica CEO Alex Terry is interviewed by the associated press and speaks about...