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6/10 Ellipses

Complete the matrix

Addition and subtraction are involved.

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I'm rightsays...

Very poorly designed question. You are representing positive 1 in two different ways.

In the first two columns you represent +1 as a plus sign in the middle of an oval. In the last column you represent it as a solid oval in the last column.

Each oval with a plus sign is equal to a solid oval. How is anyone supposed to figure out the puzzle when you use two different representations of the same value? It's treating different things the same, which is inconsistent.


Answer is A (2 solid ellipses).

I looked at + and - inside each ellipse.

In each row combine column1 & column2 = column 3.

Row1: +2 -1 = 1

Row2: -2 +3 = 1

Row3: +3 -1 = 2

No namesays...

pattern: lines match ovals

1) 4 lines --> 4 ovals

2) 6 lines --> 6 ovals

3) You have 5 lines and 4 ovals so far, therefore you choose "D" to make it 6 lines and 6 ovals.

Overall this exercise has multiple solutions based on person's perspective.


That's an interesting and coherent approach. The vertical lines however are not continuous; they appear to be continuous due to the lack of contrast with the background. Thank you for pointing this out.


Crosses are pluses and lines are negative. First row is +2-1=1. Second row -2+3=1. Third row +3-1=2. Positive, negative, and solid ovals are used the last row is missing a solid.


The pattern seems to be that each row results in ‘0’ when the number of ‘+’ signs cancels out the number of ‘-’ signs.

In the first row, there are two ‘+’ signs and one ‘-’ sign. If we consider ‘+’ as positive and ‘-’ as negative, then the sum is ‘+1’, but the result is ‘0’. This suggests that the number of ‘+’ signs cancels out the number of ‘-’ signs.

In the second row, there are two ‘-’ signs and three ‘+’ signs. If we consider ‘+’ as positive and ‘-’ as negative, then the sum is ‘+1’, but the result is ‘0’. This suggests that the number of ‘+’ signs cancels out the number of ‘-’ signs.

Given this pattern, in the third row, there are three ‘+’ signs and one ‘-’ sign. So, the result should be ‘–’ to balance out the ‘+’ signs and make the sum ‘0’. So, the answer to the puzzle should be ‘0’. I hope this clarifies the solution! ????

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