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IQ Test Labs
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Cognitive abilities
Discover the most common cases of syllogistic arguments and associated valid conclusions.
Learn how to solve syllogisms with both diagrams and rules.
Gain familiarity with all twenty-four valid types of syllogism
Test the validity of arguments with the help of Euler diagrams and rules.
Learn which rules govern the distribution of terms in statements.
Lastly, learn how possibility is applied to syllogistic arguments.
Cases - A list of all immediate inferences and valid conclusions for common syllogism cases.
Rules - Categorical fallacies and other rules that will invalidate arguments or establish validity.
Valid arguments - There are twenty four valid syllogism types.
Syllogism examples - Euler diagrams and distribution of terms analysis.
Multiple premises - Examples of questions that have multiple premises and conclusions.
Distributivity - Distribution of terms in the premises and the conclusion.
Merging concept - Merging conclusions.
Possibility - Exploring possibilities about valid conclusions.