IQ Test Labs

Discover your intellectual strengths


Cognitive abilities

Culture-fair matrices actions
  • Discover which actions are most likely to be performed on which items.
  • Addition/subtraction, and inclusion/exclusion are more common.
  • Gaining familiarity with common actions leads to faster solutions and dissolves some of the complexity of more difficult questions.

Culture-fair matrices: Actions

List of actions:

  • Addition: Adding one cell's contents to another.
  • Subtraction: Subtracting one cell's contents from another.
  • Increase/decrease: This usually relates to distances between points or angles between lines.
  • Include common parts: The common parts of two cells are included in the third cell.
  • Exclude common parts: The common parts of two cells are excluded from the third ell.
  • Match: Identical items and items that share a common theme.
  • Rotate: An object may rotate around itself or another object, or the whole cell may rotate.
  • Move: Up/down, left/right, and diagonally; usually in a grid.
  • Flipped: Mirror-reversal of an item across a horizontal axis or vertical axis.
  • Intersect: Intersecting lines and shapes.
  • Merge: Merging lines, shapes, and cells.
  • Cut: Items may be trimmed, clipped, shortened, and divided into equal/unequal parts.
  • Fold: Symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes that are folded in or out.
  • Resize: Items are shortened/lengthened or enlarged/made smaller.
  • Cover: Items covering all or part of other lines and shapes.
  • Form: Transforming shapes.

Culture-fair matrices actions


Fig 1: Addition

The third column is the sum of the ellipses in the first two columns.

Fig 2: Subtraction

The rings are subtracted from the squares.

Fig 3: Include common parts

The ring is what is common to columns one and two.

Fig 4: Exclude common parts.

The dot is excluded from the third column.

Fig 5: Rotation

The line and the two half-lines are all moving CW by 45°.

Fig 6: Increase/decrease

The top and bottom line segments rotate 45°, then 90° CW.

Fig 7: Move

Each dot first moves towards the center, then outwards.

Fig 8: Mirror

Relative to the first column, the second column is flipped across a vertical axis.

Relative to the first column, the third column is flipped across a horizontal axis.

Fig 9: Intersect

The intersection of two hexagons creates a diamond shape.